Saturday, July 21, 2007

22 Eight Sense - Hot, Cold

6, 7 Hot & Cold

The kitchen area resides two powerful element in the house, Water and Fire. Oven and stoves belong to Fire element. Water sink, dish washer, and refrigerator belongs to water element. Fire and Water elements oppose one another. Therefore, its is not recommended to placed them next to each other, or their oppose energy field will cause total disruption and chaos and harm your family health and financial luck. Imagine during cooking and when food is prepared, it should be kept in harmony and avoiding any negative Chi affecting your meals. I have seen oven or stove placing too close to the refrigerator in some houses. When oven is operating, it will take longer time to bake and cost more energy to run. The heat that oven generate rise the temperature of the food inside the refrigerator. Cooking stove and oven can be grouped to one isle where, water sink, dish washer, and refrigerator, and freezer can be grouped to the other side of the kitchen. Oven is known as "The Dragon Mouth" Based on the Armchair configurations, Oven should have the back support. Its recommend to placed against the wall for support. Oven should avoid the "Blast from the Door" effect and should not facing directly to the door and under the window either. We will go over "The Dragon Mouth" and the Armchair configurations in the future lessons.

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