Tuesday, July 17, 2007

20 Eight Sense - Scent

5 Scent

Bathroom area associates with the collection of waste. The condition and the position of bathroom is very important. Thoughtfully arrange bathroom can promote health, romantic, and wealth. Every time when you pass by bathroom remind of the waste association. If the bathroom position in a highly visible area at home, the bathroom door must be closed all the time to make it out of sight and and of mind. Bathroom must be clean and look pleasant. Air freshener is very handy, inexpensive, and effective ways to improve the condition in the bathroom area. Avoid any heavy scent, fruity scent, and scent that associate with food. Flowery scent, ocean, or rain forest scent are highly recommended. A small vase with a few fresh flowers, or small green plants is also good ideas. Lighting should be very bright, and white, avoid yellowish color of lighting inside the bathroom. Toilet bowl, bath, and shower area should keep clean, out of germs, and sanitized very often. The lid of toilet bowl should be closed for avoid the chi to to get confused moving around the toilet bowl area. Bathroom should never be placed above the entrance of your home, close to kitchen, bedroom or dining room for avoiding the Chi becoming spoilt. If the bathroom happens to be in the above condition, the bathroom door must be close at ALL time.

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