Friday, July 6, 2007

16 Eight sense - Light

1 Light
Light is one of its most obvious form in eight senses. It reflects on objects that can be seen by human eyes. If the front door of the house facing Sha Chi, harmful or unpleasant energy, such as cemetery, telephone pole, and sharp object point toward the front door, or anything that has aggressive in appearance, should use a mirror, or Bagua Mirror to reflect and reduce the negative energy. Mirror is a very powerful Fung Shui cures and enhancers. As food is symbolic of wealth and prosperity, food should be easily seen around the home. Placing a mirror to reflect food, cashier in the restaurant is recommended. Never place a mirror directly reflecting the door and hallway, or directly facing the entrance of the front door. It confuses the chi of the house. If mirrors hung in the bedroom opposite the bed, they will reflect the energy that that you are releasing through dreams back into your body. This will cause confusion to you as your subconscious is discarding all the unneeded information during the day, and the mirror is reflecting it straight back into your energy. You will wake up feeling dazed instead of refreshed.

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