Thursday, June 21, 2007

06 Yin and Yang

Two cosmic forces exist in our universe and Earth. These forces are equal and yet exactly opposite to each other called Yin-Yang "black-white". Yin and Yang energies relies on each other in order to move in balance and harmony, just like day and night. It also represent ever changing, and life. Yang is bright and extreme, where yin is dark and passive. We cannot have one side without the other, and there is no 100% Yin and yang as we see the little opposite force of dot inside the other. Yin and yang symbolizes the opposites, we can categorize everything in terms of yin and yang, including anything in the physical world, and also in emotions, activities, sounds, and behavior.



Dark, Moon, Night Light, Sun, Day
Feminine, Passive Masculine, Active
Soft, Cold, Winter, Wet Hard, Hot, Summer, Dry
Quiet, Gentle Loud, Abrasive
Black, Sorrow Red, Joy
Earth, Mother, Death, Heaven, Father, Life

To understand the concept of Yin and Yang become the key on how to adjust our surrounding and create a balance between yin and yang, and become harmony and encouraging good fortune.